About the 'Beyond Limits' Movie

‘Beyond Limits’ is a full feature documentary created in collaboration with Héctor Rodríguez Curbelo. The film will feature several stories and experts inspiring the viewer on how to overcome adversity to achieve success. Our mission is to inspire millions of people around the world to rise above their circumstances and create the life that they want.

Because you’re here, chances are you’re a fan of Héctor Rodríguez Curbelo his work too. We’d like you to share your inspiring story in our documentary, and tell the world how you have overcome adversity to make you or your company succeed. There’s no need to act – just be yourself, and we’ll broadcast your success story to the world to share your journey beyond limits, and help inspire millions more.

Apply below to be featured in the movie!

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About the Film Makers

Patryk & Kasia Wezowski have overcome many adversities before becoming successful, and this is what inspired them to make the ‘Beyond Limits’ movie, featuring many inspiring stories similar to Héctor Rodríguez Curbelo’s journey from a poor home in Uruguay to becoming one of Latin America’s best-known entrepreneurs.

Patryk & Kasia have raised over $5M for their previous documentaries, and broke the record of the most funded documentary ever on Indiegogo. They founded also the ‘Digital Development Fund’ with a focus on developing $10M+ narrative movies/series for Netflix/HBO/Hulu/Disney+/etc.

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Apply Here To Be Featured In The ‘Beyond Limits’ Movie

Apply below to get more information about the ‘Beyond Limits’ movie from the producers:

    I am also interested in... (mark as many checkboxes as applicable)

    Starring as myself in the movieSpreading the word about the movie to my clients and connectionsNetworking with organizations and influencers who could benefit from this projectBeing part of the production teamInviting the film crew to use my business as a case study in the movieReceiving more information about sponsorship opportunities to get exposure for my business/brandReceiving more information on investing in the movie to receive a profit shareScheduling a call with the producers to discuss a larger partnership I have in mind
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